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Tampilkan postingan dengan label waste. Tampilkan semua postingan

Selasa, 06 September 2016

Cara Menentukan Data Kaki Flyback

Berikut ini, kang EKo akan membahas tentang Cara Menentukan Data Kaki Flyback. Karena langkah ini sangat penting jika kita akan mengganti flyback monitor . OK mari kita belajar bersama......

Flyback adalah komponen monitor yg berfungsi untuk menghasilkan tegangan tinggi dan tegangan lainnya yg dibutuhkan monitor. Flyback sebenarnya adalah trafo tapi trafo untuk tegangan tinggi agar tabung bekerja mengeluarkan gambar.

Bagian-bagian flyback adalah sbb:
A. Bagian primer
B. Bagian sekunder
C. Bagian yg terpisah antara primer dan sekunder yaitu : ABL, Screen dan Fokus dan KOP flyback.

Bagian primer flyback antara lain:

1. colector : terhubung dg colector transistor horisontal. jika flyback kerja maka pin ini akan menghasilkan tegangan tinggi. Jangan di ukur dg multitester.

2. dioda dumper : terhubung dg dioda dumper. Tidak semua flyback memiliki kaki ini.

3. B+ : terhubung dg tegangan B+ 55v dan FET IRF630. Ini adalah kaki untuk tegangan kerja flyback. Jika teg B+ tdk masuk maka flyback tidak kerja dan monitor tidak nyala.

Jadi ketiga kaki ini jika diukur dengan ohm meter x1 terhubung.

Bagian sekunder flyback antara lain :

1. Gruond : terhubung dg ground monitor.

2. AFC : Automatic Frequency Control. tegangan 30-40 dcv Fungsinya untuk mengatur kerja IRF630, kalau tegangan terlalu tinggi, misal butuhnya 30 vdc dikasih 40 vdc maka IRF tidak bekerja, akibatnya tegangan B+ akan tetap 55v dan gambar monitor akan sempit kanan kirinya. Kalau IRF kerja, maka tegangan 55v akan menjadi tegangan 90-125v tergantung resolusi monitornya.

3. G1 : terhubung dg dioda dg posisi terbalik sehingga keluarannya adalah tegangan minus antara - 100-175 dcv. Dan setelah dioda akan ada elco regulator yg juga terbalik, jadi kaki positif dapat ground monitor dan kaki negatif dapat katoda dioda terbalik itu.

Bagian ABL

ABL : Automatic Brightness Limiter. tegangan tak terukur. Pin ini harus terhubung ke jalurnya jika tidak maka akan keluar percikan/ loncatan api listrik. Fungsinya untuk membatasi brightness yg menuju ke blok RGB secara otomatis.

Bagian Screen (G2):
Adalah bagian yg berfungsi untuk mengatur terang gelap gambar.

Bagian Fokus (G3/G4):
Adalah bagian yg berfungsi untuk mengatur fokus gambar (kabur tidaknya gambar)

Bagian KOP FLyback :
Adalah bagian yg menghasilkan tegangan tinggi 26kV yang menuju atas tabung.

OK, demikian penjelasan singkat tentang flyback.....

Oya ... tidak semua kaki flyback dipakai. Yang harus terpasang dan wajib dipasang adalah kaki :
Colector, B+, G1, Ground, AFC, ABL dan Ground kaki di samping flyback.

Dan urutan kaki flyback tiap type pasti berbeda jadi kalau mengganti flyback tidak asal langsung pasang kecuali typenya sama persis....

InsyaAllah bahasan mendatang adalah tentang Cara Mengganti / Membandrek Flyback dengan flyback lain type....

Selamat Belajar ....
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Selasa, 14 Juni 2016

Cara Reset Canon Pixma iP1000

Mungkin resetter pixma iP1000 ini sudah kadaluwarso, tapi barangkali ada yang masih membutuhkan. Jadi saya tetep coba untuk posting artikel reset canon iP1000 ini. OK Lanjuut....

Printer canon iP1000 perlu direset bila terjadi :
Green orange berkedip bergantian

Berikut langkah-langkah Reset iP1000 :

1. Driver harus sudah di install. Jika belum punya drivernya klik disini.
2. Printer harus dalam keadaan service mode (temporary reset) .

Untuk mengaktifkan service mode:

* Cabut kabel power listrik
* Tekan power (di printer)
* Colokan power listrik (lampu akan berwarna hijau)
* Sambil menekan power tekan tombol resume (lampu berubah orange)
* Lepas keduanya (printer akan mati)
* Tekan tombol power lagi dan langsung lepaskan.(lampu akan berwarna hijau) (jangan mencabut power listrik)

3. Jalankan Resetter iP1000 dengan dobel klik screen.exe Jika belum punya, download di sini.
4. Ikuti gambar berikut ini .....

5. Cabut power listrik, colokan kembali dan nyalakan (printer initial/tunggu sampai lampu tdk berkedip. Selesai. Mudah khan...................
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Selasa, 03 Mei 2016

Waste Ink Counter Resett

Download Resetter Epson T13, T10 and TX121, ME32, ME320

Good news for resetter lover. Now resetter for Epson Epson ME32 & Epson ME320, Epson T13, T10 and TX121.Solved your problem







Software Resetter Canon IP2770, Canon IP1980

Can you see this error?E27, this Software Resetter Canon IP2770 & Canon IP1980, Canon MP198, MP258, MP276.

Resetter Brother DCP & MFC Series

Does your Brother DCP model printer display an error like this? clean unable 46 unable to print clean pad is full Here is the proper reset code sequence to reset DCP printers without numeric keypad: This instruction is also applicable...
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Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013

Canon PIXMA MP780 Waste Ink Full

1) With the printer power turned off, while pressing the Resume/Cancel button,
press and hold the Power button. (DO NOT release the buttons. The Power LED
lights in green to indicate that a function is selectable.)
2) While holding the Power button, release the Resume/Cancel button.
(DO NOT release the Power button.)
3) While holding the Power button, press the Resume/Cancel button 2 times,
and then release both the Power and Resume/Cancel buttons. (Each time the
Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the Alarm and Power LEDs light
alternately, Alarm in orange and Power in green, starting with Alarm LED.)
4) When the Power LED lights in green, press the Resume/Cancel button the specified
number of time(s) according to the function listed in the table below. (Each time
the Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the Alarm and
Power LEDs light alternately, Alarm in orange and Power in green, starting with
Alarm LED.) [hth: I believe the power button has to be pressed once more after
cycling the alarm button to complete the action. The power/resume-cancel button
LEDs toggle to help you count.]

Time(s) LED indication Function Remarks
0 times Green (Power) Power off When the print head is not installed,
the carriage returns and locks in the home position capped.
1 time Orange (Alarm) Service test print See 3-4. Verification Items,
(1) Service test print.
2 times Green (Power) EEPROM information print
See 3-4. Verification Items, (2) EEPROM information print.
3 times Orange (Alarm) EEPROM initialization [hth: does not re-initialize
Waste ink counter]
4 times Green (Power) Waste ink counter resetting
5 times Orange (Alarm) Destination settings [hth: not applicable]
6 times Green (Power) Print head deep cleaning (Cleaning of both black and color)

7-10 not applicable]
11 to 13 times Orange, Green, Orange (Alarm, Power, Alarm) Return to
the menu selection
14 not used in servicing
15 Orange (alarm) return to the menu selection,.

Note: If the Resume/Cancel button is pressed 16 or more times, the Alarm or Power LED lights steadily without
any changes.

[hth: if the alarm light is flashing 15 times at turn-on [cartridge not recognized error], none of these procedures seem to work. If anyone knows how to defeat this error, I would like to know.]
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Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013

canon waste tank reset for canon i70

Below is a procedure that in most cases should resolve a Canon i70 waste tank issue

1) Close the print head cover, and turn off the printer. While pressing the Resume/Cancel button, press the Power button.

(Do not release the buttons. The LED lights in green to indicate that a function is selectable.)

2) While holding the Power button, release the Resume/Cancel button.

(Do not release the Power button.)

3) While holding the Power button, press the Resume/Cancel button 3 times, and then release the Power and Resume/Cancel buttons.

(Each time the Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the LED lights alternately in either orange or green, starting with orange.)

During initialization, the LED blinks in green.

4) When the LED stops blinking and lights in green, press the Resume/Cancel button 4 times (Each time the Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the LED lights alternately in either orange or green, starting with orange.)

After the function (menu) is selected, press the Power button. The LED lights in green, and the selected function is performed. (When the operation completes, the printer returns to the menu selection mode automatically.)

*** 4 times Green Waste ink counter resetting Both the main and borderless print waste ink counters are cleared.

Canon i70 InkJet Photo Printer
Manual service : Download
Driver Canon i70 : Download
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Canon MP390 Waste ink tank full

he sponge the original guy spoke about is not the waste ink sponge and cleaning it will not solve your problem. I ordered the pads and they are thick felt pads about 1/2 inch thick and about 5"X 2". You cannot access them without taking apart the printer. I have not done that yet as Im afraid I might never get it back together again. So Im continuing until it overflows. At that time I will take it apart with my camera to take detailed pics. I will post it if it works. If not, I will post the pic of my printer in the landfill. So the directions for resetting the counter is as follows. Spelling errors are not mine.

1)Printer on, press Additional Functions, Scan, Copy, Scan
Now you should be in service mode from there for waste ink tank reset

2)Select Test mode which is like the last avalabe selection
3)Select #8 Printer Test, it will do something here like cleaning or something then it will come up with some other option this is where it gets a bit confusing cause now all it says is like 8-2 or 8-3 push the + or - button until it says 8-3 then hit the select button

The menu will now say EEPRON Clear
Select Ink count which is option (0) and press set

Then press Stop/Reset Followed by the power button and then wait for it to restart.
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Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

Canon MPC190 Waste Ink Counter Reset

Reset Waste Ink Canon MPC190
1) Enter SERVICE MODE.---
By pressing Menu Copy Scan Copy Copy
2) Select TEST MODE.
3) Select [8] PRINTER TEST in TEST MODE.
4) Select 3. [EEPROM CLEAR].
5) Select 0. [INK COUNT].
6) Press the [Set] key.
7) Press the [Stop/Reset] key (returning to the state of 3)), and then press the [ON/OFF] key.
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Senin, 30 September 2013

Canon i80 Waste Ink Tank Full

Try this to reset the error.

1) Close the print head cover, and turn off the printer. While pressing the Resume/Cancel button, press the Power button. (Do not release the buttons. The LED lights in green to indicate that a function is selectable.)

2) While holding the Power button, release the Resume/Cancel button. (Do not release the Power button.)

3) While holding the Power button, press the Resume/Cancel button three times, and then release the Power and Resume/Cancel buttons. (Each time the Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the LED lights alternately in either orange or green, starting with orange.) During initialization, the LED blinks in green.

4) When the LED stops blinking and lights in green, press the Resume/Cancel button the 4 times. (Each time the Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the LED lights alternately in either orange or green, starting with orange.)

5) Press the Power button. The LED lights in green, and the
selected function is performed. (When the operation completes, the printer returns to the menu selection mode automatically.)

6) Power off then back on and test.
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Canon PIXMA iP1000 Waste Ink Counter Reset

Canon PIXMA iP1000
Waste Ink Counter Reset Manual for Service mode
1. Turn off the printer. And disconnect the printer cable.
2. Press and hold the POWER button, turn on the printer.
3. The indicator (L.E.D.) should be green.
4. Press and release the RESUME button , the indicator (L.E.D.) should be orange.
5. Press and release the RESUME button again, the indicator (L.E.D.) should be green.
6. Release both buttons.
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Rabu, 25 September 2013

Canon BJC 2100 waste ink tank full

ERROR: Uesd ink tank is full

Waste Error Reset
1: Remove the Cartridge
2: Unplug the AC Power Cord
3: Open Front access panel
3: Hold down the RESUME/RESET button and plug in the AC power cord
4: Release RESUME/RESET after plugging in the AC Power cord.
5: Press the RESUME/RESET once within 5 seconds and release the RESUME/RESET .
6: Press and HOLD RESUME/RESET for two seconds or more and release it.
7: Press and HOLD RESUME/RESET for two seconds or more and release it.
8: Unplug AC Power Cord to set data

If it does not work. Try some more times. Thanks every one above.
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Selasa, 24 September 2013


First thing you need to do is print an EEPROM information page, step number 2 below.
Once you have an EEPROM print you can reset the waste ink counter, if needed, which is step number 4 below.

Service Mode: This printer has a service mode for service-related settings and for performing test prints. The operator panel buttons are used to enter the desired service mode.
Service Mode Operations

With the printer powered off, hold down the resume button and press the power button.
While holding down the power button, release the resume button and press the resume button twice in succession. Now release the power button.

The indicator will blink in green and remain lit in green.
Select one of the following service mode functions by pressing the “RESUME Button” the specified number of times.

1 time = Service test print.
2 times = EEPROM information print.
3 times = EEPROM initialization
4 times = Waste ink counter resetting
5 times = Destination settings
6 times = Print head deep cleaning
Then press the “Power Button” one time to perform the function just selected.
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Canon BJC 2100SP Waste Error Reset

Canon BJC-2100SP Waste Error Reset

1: Remove the Cartridge
2: Unplug the AC Power Cord
3: Open Front access panel
3: Hold down the RESUME/RESET button and plug in the AC power cord
4: Release RESUME/RESET after plugging in the AC Power cord.
5: Press the RESUME/RESET once within 5 seconds and release the RESUME/RESET .
6: Press and HOLD RESUME/RESET for two seconds or more and release it.
7: Press and HOLD RESUME/RESET for two seconds or more and release it.
8: Unplug AC Power Cord to set data.
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Rabu, 18 September 2013

Canon Multi Pass Fax C855 waste tank reset code

Resetting the Waste Ink Volume Counter

1) Enter SERVICE MODE.....By pressing THEN #.
2) Select TEST MODE.
3) Select [8] PRINTER TEST in TEST MODE.
4) Select 3. [EEPROM CLEAR].
5) Select 0. [INK COUNT]. Let the printer complete its reset cycle (about 20 seconds).
6) Turn the printer off and on by unplugging the power cord and plugging it back in.
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Jumat, 13 September 2013

Reset MP390 Waste Ink Full Tank

The below reset procedure worked for me. I did not have to clean the waste-ink sponge. Many thanks to lp who originally posted it and to "Anonymous" who reposted it.

1)Printer on, press Additional Functions, Scan, Copy, Scan
Now you should be in service mode from there for waste ink tank reset

2)Select Test mode which is like the last avalabe selection
3)Select #8 Printer Test, it will do something here like cleaning or something then it will come up with some other option this is where it gets a bit confusing cause now all it says is like 8-2 or 8-3 push the + or - button until it says 8-3 then hit the select button

The menu will now say EEPRON Clear
Select Ink count which is option (0) and press set

Then press Stop/Reset Followed by the power button and then wait for it to restart.

iP Tool : Download
EEPROM Printer Canon ip6210D/6220D/MP170/MP450/2200/ip600 Download
MPTool MP150/MP160/MP170/MP180/MP450/MP460 Download
Step By Step Resetter canon MP Download
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Rabu, 11 September 2013

Canon IP1700 Ink waste resetter

Free resetter

Canon IP1700 Ink waste resetter

Canon IP1700 Ink waste resetter
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Minggu, 08 September 2013

reset waste ink canon iP4000

Here this step by step to resetting waste ink counter printer canon iP4000
1. With the printer plugged in and powered off, press and hold the
Resume/Cancel button, then press and hold the Power button.
Do not release the buttons. The LED light should be green to
indicate that a function is selectable
2. While holding the Power button, release the Resume/Cancel button,
do not release the Power button
3. While holding the Power button, press the Resume/Cancel button 2 times,
and then release both the Power and Resume/Cancel buttons. Each time the
Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the LED lights alternately in orange and
green, starting with orange.
4. When the LED light is green, press the Resume/Cancel button 4 times. Each
time the Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the LED lights alternately in
orange and green, starting with orange.
5. Press the Power button. The LED lights in green, and the reset is performed.
When the operation completes, the printer returns to the menu selection
mode automatically
6. Press the power button to exit service mode.
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Kamis, 01 Agustus 2013

How to reset Waste ink Counter on Canon Pixma MP480 printer

After a message error like "Ink Absorber is Full", you need to reset the printer to solve the issue:

Download the resetter software

Power cable and usb cable must be connected

  • Enter in the Service Mode: 
1. Turn off the printer without pulling the power cords.
2. Hold down STOP/RESET button and press Power button.
3. Keep holding down Power button and let STOP/RESET button go.
4. Then Press STOP/RESET button twice then let BOTH buttons go.
5. Alternate Blinking error is gone: your are in Service Mode state.
  • Use the Resetter:
1. Extract the resetter software and double click "MP480.exe" W
2. Click Reload Button and you will get a new USB port.
3. Load some papers in your printer and press the "Main" Button once,
4. Wait until the printing is done.
5. Then press "EEPROM Clear" button to clear EEPROM.
6. Then press EEPROM button and the printer will print some text.
7. Then power off the printer and turn on again.
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Waste ink absorber reset on Canon IP1700

Solution 1:
  • First power off the printer. Next, while holding STOP/RESET button, power on the printer.
  • While holding POWER button, release STOP/RESET button. Then push STOP/RESET button twice.
  • Wait about 20-30 second until the LED shows “0″. Then push STOP/RESET button four times.
  • Finally push POWER button twice. Last step is to turn off the printer by pressing the POWER button one last time.

Solution 2:
  • Unplug power and USB cable.
  • Open door and hold power button.
  • Connect power.
  • Close door, then release power button.

Solution 3:
  • Turn Off the printer, and then take off the cable power.
  • Push and hold the power button
  • Connect again the power cable.
  • Use your middle finger to push the resume button 2 times.
  • Release the power button.
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Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

Waste ink tank reset for Canon MP190

You have to do so:

1) Enter service mode by pressing: MENU, COPY, SCAN, COPY, COPY
2) Select TEST MODE
4) Select (3) (eeprom clear)
5) Select (0) (ink count)
6) Press the SET key
7) Press the STOP/RESET key, then press power key to power off
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Senin, 22 Juli 2013

Waste ink tank reset for Canon S9000

How to fix it:

  • Turn off the power.
  • Hold down "Resume" button and press "Power" button.
  • Keep holding down "Power" button and let the "Resume" button go.
  • Press "Resume" button 2 times then let both buttons go.
  • Green light will flash then stop blinking.
  • When Green light is solid, press "Resume" button 4 times.
  • Press the Power button and the printer should turn off. If not, press the Power button 1 more time.
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