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Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

Cara Reset Memori Printer Epson T13x
Hello Sobat, Kali ini Bang Mone dari TukangTinta.Comingin membagikan pengalaman tentang Cara Reset Memori Printer Epson T13 atau T13x, indikasi awal printer tidak bisa digunakan saat mau melakukan test print dan pesan di monitor komputer ada tulisan warning " General Error ", lalu di lampu printer blingking berkedip warna merah, langsung saja sobat lihat langkah langkahnya dibawah ini :

Langkah awal, printer dengan keadaan hidup dan kabel usb terpasang dengan benar, lalu sobat download dahulu program resetter Epson t13 klik disini dan Saat mau menjalankan program resetter non aktifkan dahulu anti virus dikomputer sobat.

Buka dan jalankan program resetter Epson T13nya, klik 2x " AdjProg " setelah itu, 
Step 1  klik Accept

Step 2 klik Select, 
Step 3 untuk memilih Type Printer sobat, 
Step 4 Destination pilih ESP, 
Step 5 Port pilih Auto Selection lalu klik Ok,

Step 6 klik menu Particular Adjustment Mode, 
Step 7 pilih menu Waste Ink Pad Counter lalu klik Ok, 8 klik Check List Menu Main Pad Counter dan FL Box Counter,  
Step 9 klik Check nanti akan timbul angka di menu Main Pad Counter yang artinya angka yang tampil itulah yang harus kita Reset menjadi 0. setelah sudah lalu sobat ulangin Step 8 kemudian langsung ke Step 10 klik Initialization, klik OK lalu sobat disuruh matikan power printernya tapi jangan cabut kabel powernya.


Sekian artikel Bang Mone dari TukangTinta.Com mengenai Cara Reset Memori Printer Epson T13 dan jika sobat ingin melihat artikel lain Bang Mone Cara Head Cleaning Printer Epsonklik disini atau Cara Menganalisa dan Memperbaiki Masalah Printer Epson (General Error) klik disini , Semoga dapat bermanfaat, berguna dan menginspirasi sobat semua.

> Download Driver Printer Epson T13 klik disini
> Download Program Resetter Epson T13 klik disini

Bang Mone dari TukangTinta.Com
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Sabtu, 09 April 2016

Cara Melancarkan Print Head Printer Epson R230

Hello Sobat, Kali ini Bang Mone dari TukangTinta.Com ingin membagikan pengalaman tentang " Cara Melancarkan Print Head Printer Epson R230 ", perlu diketahui sebelumnya sobat untuk masalah hasil print yang kurang baik pada printer epson, masalah paling umum itu bisa terjadi pada ketidaklancaran pada print headnya, bisa juga dari cartridgenya ataupun dari instalasi infusnya, nah!! kali ini Bang Mone dari TukangTinta.Com ingin berbagi bagaimana cara yang benar untuk melancarkan print head epson,

Pertama sobat siapkan dahulu perlengkapan yang dibutuhkan, seperti ;
  1. Tabung suntik yang sudah dimodif. (gambar saya sertakan disamping)
  2. Wadah atau tempat air hangat.
  3. Cairan pelancar print head khusus epson atau gunakan air hangat.
  4. Tissue halus.
Setelah semua perlengkapan sudah ada, taruh tissue halus dibawah print headnya lalu pompa lubang print head yang hasilnya kurang baik, saat sobat pompa lubang print headnya pastikan tidak berat terasa atau lancar.


Sekian artikel Bang Mone dari TukangTinta.Com mengenai " Cara Melancarkan Print Head Printer Epson R230 ", Semoga dapat bermanfaat, berguna dan menginspirasi sobat semua.

> Download Driver Printer Epson R230 klik disini

Bang Mone dari TukangTinta.Com
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Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013

canon waste tank reset for canon i70

Below is a procedure that in most cases should resolve a Canon i70 waste tank issue

1) Close the print head cover, and turn off the printer. While pressing the Resume/Cancel button, press the Power button.

(Do not release the buttons. The LED lights in green to indicate that a function is selectable.)

2) While holding the Power button, release the Resume/Cancel button.

(Do not release the Power button.)

3) While holding the Power button, press the Resume/Cancel button 3 times, and then release the Power and Resume/Cancel buttons.

(Each time the Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the LED lights alternately in either orange or green, starting with orange.)

During initialization, the LED blinks in green.

4) When the LED stops blinking and lights in green, press the Resume/Cancel button 4 times (Each time the Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the LED lights alternately in either orange or green, starting with orange.)

After the function (menu) is selected, press the Power button. The LED lights in green, and the selected function is performed. (When the operation completes, the printer returns to the menu selection mode automatically.)

*** 4 times Green Waste ink counter resetting Both the main and borderless print waste ink counters are cleared.

Canon i70 InkJet Photo Printer
Manual service : Download
Driver Canon i70 : Download
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Canon MP390 Waste ink tank full

he sponge the original guy spoke about is not the waste ink sponge and cleaning it will not solve your problem. I ordered the pads and they are thick felt pads about 1/2 inch thick and about 5"X 2". You cannot access them without taking apart the printer. I have not done that yet as Im afraid I might never get it back together again. So Im continuing until it overflows. At that time I will take it apart with my camera to take detailed pics. I will post it if it works. If not, I will post the pic of my printer in the landfill. So the directions for resetting the counter is as follows. Spelling errors are not mine.

1)Printer on, press Additional Functions, Scan, Copy, Scan
Now you should be in service mode from there for waste ink tank reset

2)Select Test mode which is like the last avalabe selection
3)Select #8 Printer Test, it will do something here like cleaning or something then it will come up with some other option this is where it gets a bit confusing cause now all it says is like 8-2 or 8-3 push the + or - button until it says 8-3 then hit the select button

The menu will now say EEPRON Clear
Select Ink count which is option (0) and press set

Then press Stop/Reset Followed by the power button and then wait for it to restart.
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Senin, 30 September 2013

Canon i80 Waste Ink Tank Full

Try this to reset the error.

1) Close the print head cover, and turn off the printer. While pressing the Resume/Cancel button, press the Power button. (Do not release the buttons. The LED lights in green to indicate that a function is selectable.)

2) While holding the Power button, release the Resume/Cancel button. (Do not release the Power button.)

3) While holding the Power button, press the Resume/Cancel button three times, and then release the Power and Resume/Cancel buttons. (Each time the Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the LED lights alternately in either orange or green, starting with orange.) During initialization, the LED blinks in green.

4) When the LED stops blinking and lights in green, press the Resume/Cancel button the 4 times. (Each time the Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the LED lights alternately in either orange or green, starting with orange.)

5) Press the Power button. The LED lights in green, and the
selected function is performed. (When the operation completes, the printer returns to the menu selection mode automatically.)

6) Power off then back on and test.
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Rabu, 25 September 2013

Canon BJC 2100 waste ink tank full

ERROR: Uesd ink tank is full

Waste Error Reset
1: Remove the Cartridge
2: Unplug the AC Power Cord
3: Open Front access panel
3: Hold down the RESUME/RESET button and plug in the AC power cord
4: Release RESUME/RESET after plugging in the AC Power cord.
5: Press the RESUME/RESET once within 5 seconds and release the RESUME/RESET .
6: Press and HOLD RESUME/RESET for two seconds or more and release it.
7: Press and HOLD RESUME/RESET for two seconds or more and release it.
8: Unplug AC Power Cord to set data

If it does not work. Try some more times. Thanks every one above.
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Selasa, 24 September 2013


First thing you need to do is print an EEPROM information page, step number 2 below.
Once you have an EEPROM print you can reset the waste ink counter, if needed, which is step number 4 below.

Service Mode: This printer has a service mode for service-related settings and for performing test prints. The operator panel buttons are used to enter the desired service mode.
Service Mode Operations

With the printer powered off, hold down the resume button and press the power button.
While holding down the power button, release the resume button and press the resume button twice in succession. Now release the power button.

The indicator will blink in green and remain lit in green.
Select one of the following service mode functions by pressing the “RESUME Button” the specified number of times.

1 time = Service test print.
2 times = EEPROM information print.
3 times = EEPROM initialization
4 times = Waste ink counter resetting
5 times = Destination settings
6 times = Print head deep cleaning
Then press the “Power Button” one time to perform the function just selected.
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Rabu, 18 September 2013

Canon Multi Pass Fax C855 waste tank reset code

Resetting the Waste Ink Volume Counter

1) Enter SERVICE MODE.....By pressing THEN #.
2) Select TEST MODE.
3) Select [8] PRINTER TEST in TEST MODE.
4) Select 3. [EEPROM CLEAR].
5) Select 0. [INK COUNT]. Let the printer complete its reset cycle (about 20 seconds).
6) Turn the printer off and on by unplugging the power cord and plugging it back in.
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Jumat, 13 September 2013

Reset MP390 Waste Ink Full Tank

The below reset procedure worked for me. I did not have to clean the waste-ink sponge. Many thanks to lp who originally posted it and to "Anonymous" who reposted it.

1)Printer on, press Additional Functions, Scan, Copy, Scan
Now you should be in service mode from there for waste ink tank reset

2)Select Test mode which is like the last avalabe selection
3)Select #8 Printer Test, it will do something here like cleaning or something then it will come up with some other option this is where it gets a bit confusing cause now all it says is like 8-2 or 8-3 push the + or - button until it says 8-3 then hit the select button

The menu will now say EEPRON Clear
Select Ink count which is option (0) and press set

Then press Stop/Reset Followed by the power button and then wait for it to restart.

iP Tool : Download
EEPROM Printer Canon ip6210D/6220D/MP170/MP450/2200/ip600 Download
MPTool MP150/MP160/MP170/MP180/MP450/MP460 Download
Step By Step Resetter canon MP Download
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Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

Waste ink tank reset for Canon MP190

You have to do so:

1) Enter service mode by pressing: MENU, COPY, SCAN, COPY, COPY
2) Select TEST MODE
4) Select (3) (eeprom clear)
5) Select (0) (ink count)
6) Press the SET key
7) Press the STOP/RESET key, then press power key to power off
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Senin, 22 Juli 2013

Waste ink tank reset for Canon S9000

How to fix it:

  • Turn off the power.
  • Hold down "Resume" button and press "Power" button.
  • Keep holding down "Power" button and let the "Resume" button go.
  • Press "Resume" button 2 times then let both buttons go.
  • Green light will flash then stop blinking.
  • When Green light is solid, press "Resume" button 4 times.
  • Press the Power button and the printer should turn off. If not, press the Power button 1 more time.
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Ho to reset MX850 waste ink tank

Solution to reset waste ink tank (error 5B00):
  • Power off printer
  • Hold Resume button then press and hold POWER, the beeper will sound once. 
  • Hold POWER and release RESUME
  • Press RESUME twice, then release all buttons
  • When the indicator lights steady, press RESUME three or four times. The indicator should be orange.
  • Press Power to set data

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